Admission 2024-25
Self- awareness: Who am I
PG Department of social work and sociology conducted a skill development Programme for social work and sociology students. The topic was based on self-awareness. Self-awareness is a crucial aspect of personal growth and development. It refers to the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, thoughts, motivations, strengths, and weaknesses. This awareness provides individuals with insights into their behaviours, actions, and reactions, leading to more informed decision-making and improved interpersonal relationships. Developing self-awareness involves introspection and reflection. It requires an honest evaluation of one's beliefs, values, and goals. Through practices like mindfulness and journaling, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their emotional triggers and patterns of behaviour. Self-awareness also involves seeking feedback from others, as external perspectives can shed light on blind spots. The benefits of self-awareness are manifold. It leads to better emotional regulation, as individuals can identify and manage their emotions effectively. It also fosters empathy and understanding towards others, enhancing communication and collaboration. In a professional context, self-awareness can lead to better leadership skills and decision-making. Cultivating self-awareness is an on-going process. It requires a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths and a commitment to personal growth. By regularly engaging in self-reflection and seeking opportunities for feedback, individuals can enhance their self-awareness, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

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Research and SPSS.
PG Department of Social Work and Sociology organised a one day workshop on Research and SPSS on 21/05/2022(Saturday) 9.30 am in the department. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a software program used by researchers in various disciplines for quantitative analysis of complex data. This workshop introduces SPSS environment, basic data preparation and management, descriptive statistics, and common statistical analysis (T-test, ANOVA, correlation, regression). Hands-on-activity with example data is provided to learn these basics. This workshop is a good start for MSW trainees who are new to SPSS and help you harness this useful analysis tool. Although the name of SPSS reflects its original use in the field of social sciences, its use has since expanded into other data markets. SPSS is commonly used in healthcare, marketing and education research. The types of data analysed using SPSS is widely varied. Common sources include survey results, organization customer databases, Google Analytics, scientific research results and server log files. SPSS supports both analysis and modification of many kinds of data and almost all formats of structured data. The software supports spread sheets, plain text files and relational databases such as SQL, SATA and SAS. SPSS provides data analysis for descriptive and bivariate statistics, numeral outcome predictions and predictions for identifying groups. The software also provides data transformation, graphing and direct marketing features. The total number of students participated in this session was sixteen and three faculties also. Although the session was a very informative for the trainees to enhance their knowledge in the field of research.