On September 29, 2020, the PG Department of Commerce organized an online webinar aimed at addressing and eliminating gender bias in the classroom. Mr. MOHAMED NAVAS K, an Assistant Professor from the department, served as the guest speaker, and 40 students actively participated in the event. Mr. Navas began the webinar by providing an in-depth understanding of gender bias, its forms, and its impact on students' learning experiences. He emphasized the importance of creating classrooms where all students feel respected and valued, regardless of their gender. Practical strategies were discussed, including encouraging active participation from every student, diversifying teaching materials, and avoiding gender stereotypes in assignments and discussions. Educators were encouraged to self-reflect and actively work to eliminate bias in their teaching practices. The seminar also highlighted the role of students in supporting each other in building an inclusive educational space. The seminar provided valuable insights into the issue of gender bias in the classroom and equipped participants with practical strategies to address and eliminate it. The PG Department of Commerce remains committed to promoting gender equality and inclusivity in education and will continue to organize such informative events in the future.
29 September, 2020 by
Gems College

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On 13/11/2018, PG Department of commerce organized a debate competition on the topic "Gender Equality: Is it Scientific?". The event aimed to encourage critical thinking and have a healthy discussion among participants about whether there is scientific evidence supporting gender equality. The competition had 35 enthusiastic participants who presented their viewpoints on the topic with great enthusiasm. The debate conducted in class no. 606 at 1.30 pm. The event started with a warm welcome speech by Mr.Sivakumar.K, Head of the Department (HOD),The HOD warmly welcomed all the participants, faculty members, and principal. The inauguration was attended by Mr.Naveen Mohan, Principal of GEMS Arts & science college, Ramapuram. In his opening speech, sir highlighted the importance of open dialogue and debate in promoting scientific thinking. He emphasized the relevance of gender equality in today's society and encouraged participants to explore the scientific aspects of this important topic. The principal praised the efforts of the organizing committee for arranging such an intellectually stimulating event. The debate competition saw the participation of 35 individuals who were divided into pro and con teams. Each participant had a specific time limit to present their arguments, followed by a question-and-answer session. The debaters discussed various aspects related to gender equality, considering scientific, social, and cultural perspectives. They presented arguments analyzing biological, psychological, and sociological factors that contribute to either gender equality or inequality. The participants effectively used research findings, historical references, and current examples to support their arguments. The competition was judged by faculty members who evaluated the participants based on their content, delivery, persuasion skills, and ability to counter opposing views. The judges assessed the logical coherence of arguments and the ability to respond effectively to challenging questions. The event ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Saritha, a respected faculty member of PG Department of commerce. Ms. Saritha expressed his gratitude to the Principal, HOD, organizing committee, judges, participants, and the audience for their active involvement in making the debate competition a success. He emphasized the importance of such events in encouraging critical thinking and raising awareness about important social issues. Mr. Ramees praised the participants for their excellent performance and encouraged them to continue engaging in discussions and debates that promote gender equality.