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Kerala Development Innovation Strategy Council and Kites Foundation Survey
The collaboration between Kerala Development Innovation Strategy Council (KDISC) and Kites Foundation (Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education) brought forth a significant initiative, in which the GEMS NSS unit played an integral role. This joint effort aimed to conduct a comprehensive survey, and the NSS volunteers from GEMS College became active participants in this endeavor. The process commenced with an informative session held in the college's theater, where NSS volunteers and members of Puzhakattiri Panchayat gathered to learn about the survey's objectives. During this session, the NSS volunteers were provided with identity cards from Kites Foundation, granting them the authority to carry out the survey. As a part of this nationwide survey, the GEMS NSS unit collaborated with Puzhakattiri Panchayat, contributing to the larger goal of enacting positive changes within every panchayat across India. This ambitious project positioned Puzhakattiri Panchayat and the GEMS NSS unit among the 66 selected panchayats chosen from across the country. The primary theme of Puzhakattiri Panchayat's participation was to identify and understand the needs of disabled children within the community, with the intention of implementing meaningful changes to better support them. To accomplish this, the NSS volunteers of GEMS embarked on a mission to collect vital information from various wards within the panchayat. Through these interactions, they aimed to gain insights into the unique challenges faced by disabled children and their families. A remarkable aspect of this initiative was the three-day camp that five volunteers from the GEMS NSS unit were able to participate in at Vagamon. This camp served as a culmination of the survey efforts, providing the volunteers with a new and enriching experience. The combination of data collection, community engagement, and hands-on participation allowed the volunteers to contribute to a larger cause while gaining valuable insights and perspectives. In essence, the collaboration between KDISC, Kites Foundation, Puzhakattiri Panchayat, and the GEMS NSS unit showcased the power of collective effort and community engagement. Through this initiative, the NSS volunteers not only contributed to a nationwide survey but also had the chance to create real impact within their local community. The experience of being a part of this endeavor and the subsequent three-day camp undoubtedly provided the GEMS NSS unit volunteers with a unique and enriching learning journey.