Admission 2024-25
From December 25th to December 31st, 2022, the NSS GEMS unit organized a remarkable seven-day special camp at Thazhekod Government Model Lower Primary (GMLP) School. This initiative marked a significant period of engagement, education, and community involvement for the dedicated volunteers who took part. With a total of 49 volunteers actively participating in the camp, it exemplified the unit's commitment to social responsibility and community development. The special camp's choice of location at Thazhekod GMLP School showcased a focus on education and empowerment at the grassroots level. By selecting a school as the venue, the camp aimed to create a positive impact on both the students and the local community. Such events contribute to the overall educational experience of the students and foster a sense of collaboration between the NSS volunteers and the school's staff. Over the course of seven days, the camp's activities spanned a diverse range of initiatives. From educational workshops and awareness sessions to community service projects, the volunteers had the opportunity to engage in various impactful activities. This holistic approach allowed the volunteers to not only make a difference within the school but also to connect with the surrounding community, promoting a sense of shared responsibility. The participation of 49 volunteers is indicative of the unit's dynamic engagement and commitment to their mission. Such active involvement illustrates the volunteers' dedication to the values of the NSS and their enthusiasm for community service. By coming together for a week of intensive activities, the volunteers demonstrated their willingness to invest their time and energy in projects that contribute to the betterment of society. The timing of the special camp, coinciding with the end of the year, carries a sense of closure and reflection. By choosing to conclude the year with this impactful event, the NSS GEMS unit signified their dedication to leaving a positive mark and setting a positive tone for the coming year. The Thazhekod GMLP School camp serves as a testament to the potential of community-driven initiatives and the role of youth volunteers in shaping a better future for their communities.

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The collaborative effort between Puzhakattiri Panchayat and the GEMS NSS Unit marked a significant endeavor that had a positive impact on the local community. The project involved the stream near the college, aiming to address environmental concerns while fostering a sense of community engagement. Under the guidance of the college's NSS program officer, Ms. Seethal, and with the leadership of Panchayat President Mrs. Ummukulsu Chakkachan, the initiative garnered participation from around fifty dedicated volunteers, as well as local resident. The act of tying the stream near the college holds intrinsic importance for both the environment and the community. Streams play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of an area, and their protection contributes to a healthier ecosystem. By partnering with the local Puzhakattiri Panchayat, the GEMS NSS Unit showcased its commitment to not only environmental conservation but also collaborative efforts that directly benefit the community. The involvement of Seethal Mam, the college's NSS program officer, lent expertise and guidance to the initiative. Her leadership ensured that the project was well-organized and effective in achieving its goals. Panchayat President Mrs. Ummukulsu Chakkachan's participation also added an official dimension to the endeavor, emphasizing the importance of community leaders and local authorities taking an active role in such projects. The joint effort of around fifty volunteers and local residents reflects a spirit of unity and shared responsibility.