A captivating transformation unfolded at the Malappuram collector bungalow, as a remarkable painting event took place over the course of three days, from the 12th to the 14th. This initiative was marked by the enthusiastic participation of seven dedicated volunteers who lent their artistic talents to the endeavor. The bungalow's walls became canvases for their creative expressions, bringing life and vibrancy to the surroundings. Under the skilled hands of these volunteers, the painting project was skillfully executed within the tight timeframe of three days. Their combined efforts and artistic prowess resulted in a stunning visual spectacle that captured the essence of the region and its rich heritage. The culmination of their hard work was a momentous inauguration ceremony, graced by none other than the Malappuram collector. The collector's presence added a touch of official recognition to the event, underscoring the significance of this artistic endeavor for the local community. The event not only breathed new life into the collector bungalow's façade but also symbolized the power of collaboration and creative expression. The dedication of the volunteers, coupled with the support of the Malappuram collector, transformed the bungalow into a testament to the region's culture and history. This memorable event stands as a shining example of how art and community engagement can come together to create lasting impact and foster a sense of pride and belonging among the residents of Malappuram.
14 November, 2018 by
Gems College

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