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Students Union 2019-20 organized official launch of the GEMS Radio on December 9, 2019 at 11.30 am in Corridor of college. The session began with welcome speech of Union Chairman Mr. Ishfan. The event inaugurated by college principal Dr. Naveen Mohan sir. The event took place in the presence of Union members, who played a crucial role in its establishment, along with the enthusiastic participation of all students and teaching staff of college. Mr.Arshad, fine arts Secretary of union delivered vote of thanks. GEMS Radio is a captivating podcast platform hosted on college social media channels, providing the public with easy access to informative and entertaining content created by the students of the college. The primary objective of the GEMS Radio Inauguration was to establish a digital platform that would enable the students to showcase their creative talents, share their knowledge, and engage with the college community and beyond through the medium of podcasts. The initiative aimed to create a vibrant space for meaningful conversations, discussions, and entertainment. Ms. Adhila (S4 English) Mr. Nisam (S4 BBA) were the RJ for the first week of GEMS RADIO.