As a part of Geology outreach programme, PG Department of Applied Geology have conducted three days GeoFest-“Lampro 2020” on 24th to 27th of January 2020 by inviting the UG and PG Geology students from the Colleges all over Kerala. Nearly 200 students participated in the programme. Different Geology related events were conducted during the fest. Informative classes on current Geoscience topic were organized by inviting the eminent scholars in the field of Geoscience. Dr. Dinesh AC, Director Geological survey of India, Marine Wing Mangalore, delivered talk on environmental issues due to plastic waste disposal and its bad effect on the survival of marine life. Dr. Brijesh VK, Associate professor of Geology, Department of PG studies and research, MES college Ponnani gave an informative class on responsibilities of a geologist in the overall development of the nation. He also delivered lecture on the overall scenario of the ground water condition in Malappuram district. Students presented papers on different current relevant topic on Geology. The outstanding presentation was awarded cash prize. Overall championship was awarded to the students of SN College Varkkala for their outstanding performance in the competitions conducted in this event.
24 January, 2020 by
Gems College

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