Admission 2024-25
The PG Dept. of Applied Geology is organizing a geo-fest LAMPRO-2020 on 24,25,26 January 2020. LAMPRO-2020 is aimed to provide a platform for the active interaction of students of Geology fraternity to share their knowledge in the field of earth science. Events 1. PARAPATA 2. PICTIONARY 3. BRUNTON WALKER 4. PHOTO MONTAGE 5. SPELL BEE 6. EPOXI 7. HOLOGRAM 8. THUNDER CLASH Talks By Shri. A.C. Dinesh, Director of Geological Survey of India, Marine Wing, Mangaluru. Dr. Brijesh. V.K, Associate Professor, Dept.of PG Studies and Research in Geology, MES College, Ponnani.

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NDLI Club meeting held at GEMS Arts And Science college on 13th Jan 2020
First NDLI Club meeting of GEMS Arts And Science College was held on 13th January 2020 at 2.PM at the Computer lab of College. The following club members represented Under Graduate and the Post Graduate students, faculty members, library in-charge, Principal and Director-Academic and Research were attended the meeting. The meeting was called by Ms.Smitha Pramod, Member Secretary of the club. The adviser of the club Dr.B.GUnni given a detail information and advantages of NDLI club for the teaching community, and for the students studying in various discipline. He also requested in his address to utilize the maximum benefits of NDLI Club facilities for their academic career. He requested all the remaining members to register in NDLI website, and also extended invitation to all the students and faculties of the University to get it registered in NDLI. The adviser of the NDLI Club also requested the Member Secretary to update the NDLI Club activities to the headquarters from time to time. Immediately after the meeting a demonstration for the members was also arranged for registering in NDLI Club. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair and all other members who attended the meeting.