Admission 2024-25
A few minutes of Yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates in both the body and mind. Yoga postures, Pranayama and meditation are effective techniques to release stress. Meditation is Relaxation which gives calm mind, good concentration and Rejuvenation of the body and mind etc. In view of this, NSS unit of GEMS Arts and Science College in association with IQAC observed 7th International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2021 by performing various 'asanas'. By considering pandemic situation of Covid-19, volunteers practiced Yoga in their homes with family. The main aim of this observation was to raise awareness and ignite a passion for fitness and yoga among the students. In the present day when students face stress, tension, fear, etc., simple ‘asanas’ can help dispel these.

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Environment Day Celebration
World Environment Day was celebrated by GEMS NSS unit on June 5. The purpose of the celebration was to spread awareness about the need to protect the environment and the way to do it. The program was inaugurated by the Program Officer Mr. Junaid. V by planting saplings. As part of this program, 100 NSS volunteers planted about 500 saplings in their locality and took care of the plants planted in previous years.