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Writing And Presenting Research Paper
The Department of Multimedia in association with IQAC organized a program on “Writing and presenting a research paper” on 12.06.23 at 7.30 PM. Head of the DepartmentMr.Mohammed Binshad Kalathingal welcomed all the students and faculties to the program. Mr.Mohammed Shammas, Mr.Christy. P. Paul and Mr.Mohammed Niyas (faculties in the department) were delivered felicitation. 46 people participated in the program. Mr. Fayiz Arakkal (Research scholar, Aligarh Mulsim University) was the resource person. The seminar covered the purpose of project reports, structuring, writing style, research methodology, data analysis, and presentation skills. It was an interactive session in which the students clarified their concerns regarding the preparation of projects and dissertations. The resource person discussed various aspects of research, starting from the selection of a topic to the final submission of the research material. The session highly motivated the students of the department Mr. Niyas delivered the vote of thanks.