Admission 2024-25
Student induction programme
On September 15, 2022, at 1:30 pm, the Department of Multimedia successfully conducted a student induction program in Room 203. The program aimed to welcome and introduce 35 newly admitted students to the department. The induction program was handled by Mohammed Shammas K, Assistant Professor, Department of Multimedia and the session provided essential information about the department's curriculum, faculty members, and available resources. It also included interactive sessions, presentations, and networking opportunities for the students to connect with their peers. The rooftop auditorium provided a scenic and conducive environment for the program. The induction program was well-received, with the students actively participating and showing enthusiasm to begin their journey in the Department of Multimedia. Overall, the program was successful in orienting and fostering a sense of belonging among the new students.

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Skill Development Programme Communion
On November 12, 2021, at 10 am, the Department of Multimedia successfully conducted a skill development program titled "Communion" at the Multimedia Lab. The program aimed to enhance students' skills in multimedia production and editing. A total of 32 students actively participated in the program, engaging in hands-on activities and practical exercises. The program provided valuable insights and practical knowledge to the participants, equipping them with essential skills in multimedia. The Multimedia Lab proved to be an ideal setting for the program, allowing students to utilize advanced equipment and software. Overall, the skill development program was a resounding success, empowering students and fostering their growth in the field of multimedia.