Admission 2024-25
On 12th November 2018, a skill development programme titled "Communion" was successfully conducted at the multimedia lab by Vinu Vasudevan, Assistant Professor, Department of Multimedia. The programme aimed to provide participants with essential skills. The event commenced at 10 am and featured interactive sessions, practical exercises, and group discussions. 22 students of multimedia department were actively participated in this program. Participants actively engaged in the programme, benefiting from the expertise of experienced trainers and experts in the field. The multimedia lab proved to be an excellent venue for the programme, providing advanced technology and resources that facilitated an engaging and interactive learning experience. Overall, the Communion Skill Development Programme on 12/11/2018 at the multimedia lab was a resounding success, equipping participants with valuable skills and promoting their personal and professional growth.

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Student Orientation program 2 28 June 2018
On 28th June 2018, the Department of Multimedia conducted a Student Orientation Program in Room Number 203. The program, which commenced at 10 am, was handled by Jayasree KG, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics. The session was attended by 21 students. The Student Orientation Program aimed to provide new students with a comprehensive understanding of the academic support services. The event included interactive sessions, presentations, and group activities, allowing students to connect with faculty members and fellow students. The program was highly informative and well-received by the attendees. It successfully facilitated a smooth transition for the new students into the Department of Multimedia, ensuring they felt welcomed and equipped with the necessary information for a successful academic journey.