Admission 2024-25
National Science Day Celebration - 2023
The National Science Day Celebration took place on 28th February 2023, aiming to promote scientific temperament and ignite a passion for research among students. The event primarily involved an essay writing competition, in which participants were given the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and analytical skills. The coordination of the event was expertly handled by Ms. Radhika R Krishna, Head of the PG Department of Microbiology. Winners of the competition were awarded certificates to acknowledge their outstanding performance. The center piece of the National Science Day Celebration was an essay writing competition. The competition was designed to encourage students to explore scientific concepts, develop their research and writing skills, and present their ideas in a coherent and compelling manner. Participants were provided with relevant topics related to various scientific disciplines, allowing them to choose a subject of their interest. They were given a specified time frame to compose their essays.

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Product Development in Food and Beverages
The orientation program on product development in food and beverages was conducted by Zaara Biotech on February 14, 2023, at the Research and Innovation Center. The program aimed to provide valuable insights and knowledge to the participants from the Microbiology and Biotechnology departments. This report summarizes the key highlights and activities of the orientation program. The program started at 11:00 AM with a warm welcome to all participants from Zaara Biotech. An introduction to the objectives and importance of product development in the food and beverages industry was provided. A comprehensive presentation was delivered, highlighting the latest trends and market demands in the food and beverages industry. The participants were informed about the growing consumer preferences, changing dietary habits, and the need for innovative products. The process of product development in the food and beverages industry was explained in detail. The participants gained insights into ideation, formulation, prototyping, testing, and scaling up of food and beverage products.Emphasis was placed on the crucial role of microbiology and biotechnology in developing safe and high-quality food and beverage products. The participants learned about various techniques and tools used in microbiological testing, fermentation, and bioprocessing. Case studies and success stories from Zaara Biotech's previous projects were shared to provide practical examples of product development in the industry. The participants gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced during product development and the strategies employed to overcome them. A dedicated question and answer session allowed participants to seek clarification on specific topics and engage in discussions with the presenters. The program concluded with a summary of the key takeaways and an appreciation for the active participation of the attendees. Participants were encouraged to apply the knowledge gained in their respective roles and contribute to the growth of the food and beverages industry. The orientation program on product development in food and beverages organized by Zaara Biotech for the Microbiology and Biotechnology departments was a success. The program provided valuable insights into the industry trends, product development processes, and the role of microbiology and biotechnology. The participants were equipped with knowledge and practical examples to enhance their skills in developing innovative and safe food and beverage products. Zaara Biotech's initiative to conduct such programs demonstrates their commitment to fostering professional development and driving innovation in the food and beverages industry.