Admission 2024-25
International woman’s day – Drawing Competition
International Women's Day is celebrated globally on March 8th each year to recognize and honor the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. On this occasion, a drawing competition was organized by PG Department of Microbiology for students to promote gender equality, empower young artists, and encourage their creative expression. The drawing competition was conducted to provide students with a platform to showcase their artistic skills and express their thoughts on gender equality and women's empowerment. Students from various schools participated in the competition, showcasing their talent and creativity through their artwork. The theme of the drawing competition revolved around gender equality and women's empowerment. The students were encouraged to depict through their artwork the importance of equal rights, opportunities, and respect for women in society. They were encouraged to highlight the achievements of women in various fields, break stereotypes, and emphasize the need for a more inclusive and equitable society. The drawing competition organized on International Women's Day provided students with a platform to express their thoughts and creativity regarding gender equality and women's empowerment. Through their artwork, the students conveyed powerful messages, promoting awareness and understanding of the importance of gender equality. This initiative not only encouraged artistic skills but also fostered a sense of empowerment among the participants and those who viewed their artwork. The drawing competition served as a positive and inspiring way to celebrate International Women's Day and contributed to the ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive and equal society for all.

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World Rabies Day – e poster release
World Rabies Day is observed annually on September 28th to raise awareness about the prevention and control of rabies, a deadly viral disease that affects both humans and animals. In line with this observance, a group of microbiology students released an e-poster online to promote awareness about rabies and its prevention. The microbiology students designed and shared an e-poster online, utilizing various platforms to reach a wide audience. The e-poster served as an effective tool to convey important information about rabies, its transmission, prevention, and the importance of responsible pet ownership. The e-poster focused on creating awareness about rabies, highlighting key aspects related to the disease. It provided information on the transmission of the virus, emphasizing the role of infected animals, particularly dogs, in transmitting the disease to humans through bites or scratches. The students also emphasized the importance of timely medical intervention after exposure to reduce the risk of infection. Furthermore, the e-poster emphasized the significance of prevention methods such as vaccination of pets, responsible ownership, and avoiding contact with stray animals. It also highlighted the importance of educating communities about rabies, its symptoms, and the appropriate actions to take in case of exposure. The release of the e-poster by the microbiology students to commemorate World Rabies Day was a commendable initiative to raise awareness about the disease and its prevention. By utilizing online platforms, they effectively disseminated crucial information to a wide audience, contributing to the global efforts in eradicating rabies and promoting public health. Their awareness campaign aimed to reduce human and animal fatalities caused by rabies and foster a safer environment for both humans and animals.