Admission 2024-25
International Day for Biological Diversity
International Day for Biological Diversity is observed annually on May 22nd to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and its conservation. To commemorate this day, an e-poster making competition was organized, focusing on the theme "Building Back Biodiversity," highlighting the need to restore and protect biodiversity in the face of environmental challenges. The e-poster making competition aimed to engage participants in creating visually appealing and informative posters that conveyed the significance of biodiversity conservation and the role of individuals and communities in rebuilding biodiversity. Participants were encouraged to showcase their creativity, knowledge, and understanding of the theme through their artwork. The theme emphasized the urgent need to restore and protect biodiversity, which has been adversely affected by factors such as habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, and overexploitation. The e-posters showcased strategies for rebuilding biodiversity, such as sustainable practices, habitat restoration, conservation awareness, and the importance of preserving endangered species. WINNERS 1. Fathima Fasna A- S2 UG 2. Favaz E – S5 UG 3. Athira M- S 2 UG The e-poster making competition organized on International Day for Biological Diversity provided a platform for participants to express their creativity and highlight the importance of rebuilding biodiversity. The competition showcased the participants' understanding of the challenges faced by biodiversity and their commitment to promoting conservation.The e-posters served as powerful visual tools to raise awareness and inspire action among viewers. By focusing on the theme "Building Back Biodiversity," this event contributed to the global efforts in conserving and restoring biodiversity, fostering a deeper understanding of its importance in maintaining a healthy and sustainable planet.

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National Science Day Celebration - 2023
The National Science Day Celebration took place on 28th February 2023, aiming to promote scientific temperament and ignite a passion for research among students. The event primarily involved an essay writing competition, in which participants were given the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and analytical skills. The coordination of the event was expertly handled by Ms. Radhika R Krishna, Head of the PG Department of Microbiology. Winners of the competition were awarded certificates to acknowledge their outstanding performance. The center piece of the National Science Day Celebration was an essay writing competition. The competition was designed to encourage students to explore scientific concepts, develop their research and writing skills, and present their ideas in a coherent and compelling manner. Participants were provided with relevant topics related to various scientific disciplines, allowing them to choose a subject of their interest. They were given a specified time frame to compose their essays.