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The Department of Mathematics, in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Women Development Cell (WDC) and Women Protection Office, Women And Child Development Department, Malappuram, organized a webinar on "Women And Technology" on 14th May 2023 at 10:00am. The event aimed to shed light on the current state of women in the tech industry, including their representation in technology jobs and the lack of diversity in tech leadership roles. The webinar received an enthusiastic response, with a total of 30 participants in attendance. The session commenced with Jayasree K G ,WDC Coordinator and Head of the Department of Mathematics, extending a warm welcome to all the participants. The keynote speaker for the webinar was Zilzila Kaladi resource person of ‘Kanavu’, the Women and Child Development Department, Calicut. Zilzila Kaladi shared valuable insights on the challenges faced by women in the tech industry and discussed the current percentage of women in technology jobs. The speaker emphasized the importance of promoting diversity and equality in tech-related fields. At 11:30am, the webinar concluded with Abdul Basheer U, Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, delivering words of appreciation to the speaker and expressing gratitude to all the participants for their active engagement.