Admission 2024-25
MINI PROJECT 20/11/2021 Department of Mathematics
in association with IQAC conducted a mini-project presentation on the topic "Puzzles" for second-year mathematics students on 20th November 2021 at room number 704, 10:00am. The event witnessed a participation of 43 students. The session was divided into five segments, each handled by a different presenter. The session commenced with Aravind, who provided an introduction to puzzles. He delved into the history of jigsaw puzzles, shedding light on their origins and evolution over time. Additionally, Aravind discussed the historical significance of other popular puzzles, setting the stage for an engaging and informative session. Next, Unais took the floor and focused on the various types of puzzles. He elaborated on cross word puzzles, explaining their structure and the techniques involved in solving them. Unais also touched upon word search puzzles, highlighting their unique characteristics and benefits. Nishma then took over and discussed strategies for puzzle solving. She explored different approaches to tackle number puzzles, providing insights into effective problem-solving techniques. Additionally, Nishma introduced the concept of relational puzzles, emphasizing their importance in developing logical reasoning skills. Irfana, the subsequent presenter, concentrated on logic puzzles. She enlightened the audience about the intricacies of solving logic puzzles and shared valuable tips on creating their own puzzles. Irfana's segment provided the participants with practical knowledge and encouraged their creativity in puzzle design. Finally, Liyana addressed the importance of puzzles and concluded the session. She emphasized how puzzles contribute to the development of critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and overall cognitive skills. Liyana's concluding remarks left the participants with a greater appreciation for puzzles and their educational value. Overall, the mini-project presentation on puzzles proved to be a valuable learning experience for the second-year mathematics students. The diverse topics covered by the presenters, ranging from the history and types of puzzles to strategies and the importance of puzzles, provided a comprehensive understanding of this engaging field. The event aimed to enhance the students' problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities, and it successfully achieved its objectives.

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On October 8th, 2021, the Department of Mathematics, in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), organized an ice-breaking session for first-semester B.Sc Mathematics students. The session was conducted virtually on Google Meet, and the resource person for the event was Sruthi B Nair, assistant Professor, Department of English. There were total of 20 participants were there. An ice-breaking session is an essential component of an orientation program for new students, serving as a vital tool to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. This session aimed to help students connect with one another, build a sense of belonging, and ease their transition into the institution. The ice-breaking session was held on 08-10-2021 as part of the orientation program for new students. The session was designed to promote interaction, introduce students to their peers and mentors, and provide an engaging platform for students to share their experiences and expectations. This session was included group discussions, team building challenges, ice breaking games etc. The ice-breaking session conducted during the orientation program for new students at [Name of the Institution] played a crucial role in helping students transition into their new academic environment. It fostered a sense of community, encouraged interaction, and established the foundation for positive relationships among students. The purpose of the session was to familiarize the new students with their peers and the faculty members, as well as to introduce them to the various academic and extracurricular activities offered by the department. Sruthi B Nair, a seasoned educator and mathematician, conducted a series of engaging activities and games that helped the students break the ice and get to know each other better. The event was well-attended, there were 8 first-semester students participating actively. The feedback received from the students was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their gratitude for the opportunity to interact with their peers and the faculty in a fun and engaging manner. Overall, the ice-breaking session organized by the Department of Mathematics in association with IQAC was a resounding success, achieving its objective of helping the new students settle into their new academic environment and feel more comfortable with their peers and teachers.