Admission 2024-25
An electrical resistivity survey has been conducted in the college premises to understand the groundwater potential in the area on 10 February 2022. The survey has been conducted by the M.Sc. students under the guidance of the Department head Mr. Abdul Rahman C V. About 15 students from M.Sc. applied geology actively participated in the program which helped them to develop their practical skills and improve the practical knowledge. Through the survey the groundwater level in the college premises was found out and proper suggestions were made.

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PG Department of Applied Geology conducted an extensive resistivity survey in the nearby locality to analyze the groundwater conditions. The survey was conducted on 11th March 2020 at 10:00 am. 15 students were participated in the survey. Through the geophysical resistivity survey, the under-groundwater levels can be analyzed and thereby several steps can be undertaken to improve the groundwater level. An extensive survey was conducted by the department of geology under the guidance Abdul Rahman C V, Head of the department along with other faculties in the nearby locality of the college. About 6 students from M.Sc. applied geology was part of the survey. Through the program the methodology and basic knowledge about the geophysical resistivity survey was explained in detail to the students. They also acquired knowledge about how to interpret the hydrological conditions in the area.