Admission 2024-25
International Celebrations
International word wide web day The department of computer science celebrated august 1, the world wide web day along with an exhibition. Third semester students prepared some posters and charts for exhibition students quotes the importance of www in this era through their works. The history of world wide web is clearly described through charts. All other departments and teachers are viewed this work. Thus department could send the message that the specialty of world wide web day. The students behind the work - minhaj ali m, anshif rishan m, fathimath raniya, muhammed nibil, shibili cm, jasna v, abdul ijaln, anees aboobaker. The exhibition started on 1st august at 11 am and end up at evening 3.30 pm. The college corridor was the location where the program was conducted. Department head and all other teachers are participated in this exhibition.

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